จดหมายถึง thaiastro

student Veterinary med (b3753029@kku.ac.th)

Dear Mr.Wimut,
I am very interested in astronomy, but I'm just a beginner. I want to know about the telescope, to take photographs of the stars. And now I want to know about "Perseus" [the starry rain]. How can I see it? If it's a cloudy night, or it depends on god if he'll let us see it. And if I want to take photographs, how can i do it? I want to know so much. I tried to ask to the astronomy club by phone but no-one answered [it's the com speak]

So I hope you'll mail me back soon. Thank a lot. (my English is not good. Are you serous? I'll be waiting for your mail.
Your sincerly,
jariya vet. med. k.k.u.


Dear Jariya,

For the coming meteor shower, see the TAS' August sky Event page (https://thaiastro.nectec.or.th/skyevnt/aug97.html) TAS and I have not provided in-dept details of this event. If you want please visit S&T homepage (http://www.skypub.com)

I think we have less than 20% chance to see this shower since it is rainy season now. But don't worry. If you just want to see a meteor shower, wait until winter's clear sky. A meteor shower occurs roughly every month.

The stories about Telescope and Astrophography are not available on TAS webpages yet. I suggest you to subscribe to TAS first. (See the member page https://thaiastro.nectec.or.th/member.html) You will receive The Milky Way Journal 4 issues per year. You can learn a lot in astronomy with this journal.


ผมอยากทราบว่าในการอบรมการสร้างกล้องดูดาว ต้องนำอะไรไปบ้าง เพราะว่าผมได้สมัครการเข้าอบรม ครั้งนี้ไปแล้ว และยังไม่เห็นมี่จดหมายตอบรับกลับมาเลย ผมชื่อสุริยะ ลิมปิวิลาศ


I've forwarded your message to the project leader. I hope you will receive the answer soon.